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Deadline: Online Teacher Seminar: People: Global Efforts to Alleviate Food Insecurity and Poverty

May 6

Clock face on a red background

The Ohio State University is now accepting applications for the online Global Teacher Seminar “Global Goal People: Global Efforts to Alleviate Food Insecurity and Poverty” for teachers in any state. Pre-service teachers are strongly encouraged to apply. This online summer seminar will inform K-14 educators about the UN’s Sustainability Goals, specifically focusing on issues surrounding poverty and food insecurity in the regions of Africa, East Asia, Eastern Europe/Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East. The seminar will start by giving participants a solid foundation in the relevant agricultural, political, social, and historical theories and practices to build their understanding of issues surrounding these topics from a global perspective. Throughout the seminar, participants will hear from guest experts who will present regional case studies to provide comparative views of what prominent challenges and issues in their respective region are and what has been or is currently being done to help alleviate these matters. Please visit the program website for a full schedule and list of benefits.


baca.31@osu.edu with any questions
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